Wednesday 26 August 2015


       At least now no one can argue the natural law of cause and effect: that what we are now is a sum of all the causes of our past, and that same can be said of our future.  A higher fact of this natural truth will be that we are living the future now, or in other words, currently we are shaping the form of the future we shall have.

      When we talk about the future of a nation like Ghana, I want to bring to your attention an element of culture called meme. Meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from one generation to another within a culture.  So meme, in this way, suggest that a way of behavior or a way of thinking of a particular people group (as in a cultural group like Ghana) does not change over time, but rather modernizes to suit the time frame.

        So the future of the country, according to the nature of meme, is that we are going to pass onto the future generation all the unscrupulous, wicked and immoral practices we have now.  Could you imagine? Could the President imagine the future reflecting the shortcomings of today?  Could the Ministers and the Public Servants imagine the future leaders of the nation embezzlement the assets and wealth of the nation?  Could the economist imagine the state of the state’s future economy? Could the politician imagine how lousy and canning their future replicas would be just for the sake of luring power? Could the general public imagine how much costly it would be for the forthcoming nation to make here a secure and healthy place to be? Could we imagine the story we will tell about our resources (like the oil and gas resource) and assets today? 
We could be in crisis today because of our past but the future is also being determined today and if we don’t have any interest in the life of the nation in the future, we are not qualified to live in the present. Be the change you want to see in the future now.

Columnist: Elvis Owusu Dankyi

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