Thursday 31 March 2016


                                                                                       A story by Ufondu Kingsley
Vice President of Apostolic Order Network, Mr. Nana Asare

Apostolic Order Network on Sunday (20th March, 2016) organized a conference program at Ravico Hotel as different churches assembled together to network with each other with the theme “Power Ministry’’.
There comes a memorable day (20th March, 2016) as Apostolic order network which comprises of different churches converged at Ravico hotel to  network with each other as the purpose of the program was to bring people closer to the lord and as well  partnership in his family. Develop and equip them for their ministry in church and life mission in the world.
The gospel choir  in a melodious moment
Speaking with Rev. Nana Kwaku  Asare (The Vice President of Apostolic Order Network), “This gathering is designed to impact and empower the people in order not to be mislead by friends as  many have been called by God for a particular reason, more so, the reason behind the network is for us all to come together  to share our individual gifts with others as everybody  has a unique gift from God irrespective of wherever  (the church) the person is coming from’’, he said.
Furthermore, he advised that “people should pray and learn harder in order to know more about the Holy Spirit and people shouldn’t as well limit themselves to anything as it’s our responsibility to make exploit’’, he advised.
         According to Mr. Dominic Ofori (The Chaplin of Nungua Senior high School) “today’s theme being power ministry, we have got to realize that the individual Christians today are indeed falling short of the power of God, that is why this bold step has been made to educate and regenerate this power once again as people must rise and take up their position by exhibiting that power of the holy spirit’’
Apostle Joseph A. Jackson, ministering the word of God
      Finally, Bishop Sammy Richard told BLG that there is an error in the system which needs to be corrected as some people are behaving as if they are God or the holy spirit itself, as they go around preaching about themselves on air and forgotten about Christ who died for them, it may interest us all to know that the holy spirit in particular is not humanity but personality as personality works through humanity, that is the major reason why the network has been established to correct such errors.

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