Friday 12 August 2016


Story by Mitchell Platini (BLG NEWS REPORTER)
            Fountainhead Christian School, a Christian grounded international school in the Sakomono district donates to three (3) orphanage homes as part of their 15yrs anniversary celebrations at the school auditorium, Sakomono.
Orphanage homes in a group picture with some of the school teachers
            The school since its incipient has been a pillar for many orphans by extending solemn helping hands to the needy so as to provide equal opportunity in the society. Fountainhead Christian School, as the name depicts, has a well vested curriculum with Christian belief systems being the fundamentals for all their subjects.
Leaders of the orphanage homes receiving the items
            Speaking with BLG news, Rev. Faithful Biney, cofounder and a director of the school noted that the school has raised a lot of change agents in the society through their curriculum of which they always stand tall amidst their colleagues in other institutions. He further explained that he learnt a lot from his traveling schedules across the world of which all the lessons learnt were invested into the curriculum of the school. “We want children to become the New Africa with self-confidence and know where they are going as well as what to become in the near future”, he revealed.
Heads of the Orphanage homes
            He added that parents have to support their children in order to help them transform the way they think by not dwelling on the past but rather focusing on the future which is one of the biggest glitches facing Africa. Rev. Faithful Biney noted that “The New Africa” should think differently by comparing its capabilities with the European counterparts as that is the only way Africa can develop.
            According to Mrs Mary Biney, cofounder, director and wife of Rev. Faithful Biney, children are the most innocent souls in the world and whatever sowed in them shall be reaped in the same manner on earth therefore parents should always sow good thoughts and messages in children. She explained that putting smiles on children’s face has been one of Fountainhead Christian School’s philosophies by donating to the less privileged in the country. With this philosophy, Fountainhead Christian School has donated items to many orphanages in the country to demonstrate their love for children.
From right Mrs Grace Bayelladong, Head Mistress, Rev. and Mrs Biney, founders and directors of the school
            Mrs Mary Biney elucidated that some of the orphanages that received the items during the presentations were Manfo Children’s Foundation, Heart of the Fathers Orphanage Home and Save them Young Orphanage Home (Golf City). She added that children should be seen from God’s perspective and be received with both hands as they are the future of the country. “We should invest all our resources in children as they are the next generation of doctors, teachers, lawyers, politicians, pilots and other socially supportive responsibilities because without them there is going to be a vacuum in the future”, she revealed.
            Finally, she advised churches to work together with the families in order to build a strong nation with vibrant children. “Depleting the country’s resources now will adversely affect the future generation therefore the country and leaders should think about the children when making long term decisions”, she pleaded.  

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