Wednesday 19 March 2014

For A Diligent Soul Even the Sky Is Not the Limit

Everybody hides on the shadow that the most renowned people did not go to school and so they follow the footsteps of the likes of Albert Einstein, Bill Gates.
One has to realize that these people had a passion for something that motivated them. They worked hard at it doing more research than every other individual in their peer groups. The people of this generation neglect hard work and wallow in their drunkenness and lackadaisical attitudes.

I am not arguing that tertiary education is compulsory because as a matter of fact whatever we learn will probably not be important in the next two years. Let each of us discover the passion which drives us, if you are opportune to go to University take absolute advantage of it; make the best connections you can and acquire the pack of skills that you are exposed to.
There is time for everything.  Do not waste the only resource on earth that cannot be retrieved. Spend your time wisely doing things that will bear much fruits in the near future.

Realize also my fellow youth that nothing comes easy. We are in a very demanding age and we need to be extra-ordinary. The bottom of the ladder is jam packed with people struggling to climb that same ladder you wish to climb. If you have been given an idea take hold of the opportunity because the idea is deposited in others. Like the boys scout always be at alert and remember that:for a diligent soul even the sky is not the limit.
 By: Florence obiaku

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