Wednesday 19 March 2014

PUBLIC NUISANCE: Exposing Able but Lazy Beggars on the Streets

Do you remember when you were a kid, how you will beaten for begging for an alms from even your relative let alone a stranger to the extent that if you receive a money from your relative and fails to inform or give it out to your parents, you’re in trouble. This is how we were trained so that in the future we will not resort to begging when we’re in need. I believe that was the culture we were brought up with as Ghanaian children to be able to work hard and make ends meet. But over the years, a lot of our young, energetic and able men and women are on the streets begging for alms and it seems okay with everyone and we’re supporting by fulfilling their request anytime they approach us.
What went wrong?
After all the efforts by our parents and society to keep us on track,today, the trend has changed as some young and energetic persons, instead of working to cater for themselves, now see begging as the most convenient and surest way of making money,it’s so overwhelming the number of able youth (physically and mentally sound) on our streets and everywhere.They go about begging for alms from their victims on continuous bases. With their sweet and canning expressions and gestures their able to make far above the daily minimum wage that a very hard working person may even get. They go about deceiving people to take their monies and items. This is far more than stealing; daylight rubbing without any force.
Physically and mentally challenged and the aged sometimes are those who are notable for begging for alms on the streets and regarding them the government have measures in place for them like the National Physically-Challenged Association, who engage in sporting activities and other activities,others too are in NYEP initiatives modules most especially the LEAP programme for the aged group within the society.No forgetting our fair colored African immigrants who sits under shades and send their women and children to beg for alms. For this group, the least said about them the better.
But the young, energetic and able youth also on the streets, why have they resorting to begging? From what was made available to me by some of them and other concern individuals reveals that some of them are either ‘wee’ or cocaine abusers hence they set to the street in order to raise money to buy those substances. Others also pretend they have lost their love ones especially the women involved; you’ll see them with their babies on the streets begging. Some of them who spoke with me claimed are better than resorting to stealing and rubbery. A fat handsome gentleman approached me and said, “good afternoon! God bless you my brother, God hates stealing so I beg you dash me GH¢5.00. I've not eaten for the past two days, how would you feel if I go to steal and I’m being beaten to death? Please at least something to buy food and God will bless you”. The most annoying of all are those who claim their from this and that far place and their short of lorry fare, you give him or her and the next moment he or she will move to another person with the same story to beg for alms. Some of these beggars have taken this disgraceful act as their full time job going up and down all day begging for arms from one person to another either on the streets, in some corners, lorry stations or in market places.
Religion perspective
Most of these nuisance perpetrators often use God’s name and the scriptures to back their deeds, thereby causing faithful believers to have pity on them, but what do the Bible and Qur’an really say about this menace. Although both the Islam and Christianity teach about giving they equally frown on laziness. The Bible abhors laziness and therefore says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that, "For also when we were with you we enjoined you this, that if any man does not like to work, neither let him eat."
The Christian's belief in giving which is captured in 1 Timothy 6:18-19, which says, "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
The Qur'an (30:39) also states: "That which you give in usury for increases through the property of (other) people, will have no increase with Allah: but that which you give for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah, (will increase); it is those who will get a recompense multiplied."
Muslims believe that "Begging is similar to scratching the flesh off your face; so if someone wants to save his face he should avoid it, except for asking from the ruler or asking in case of dire need."
This goes a long way to show that in as much as both religions believe in giving they also frown on laziness and those who depend solely on begging.
Government Intervention
The ministry of social welfare and the appropriate authorities including the municipals and metropolitan assemblies are to intervene in this shameful nuisance practices by the able youths in our communities. For God sake, they are the future leaders and we can’t watch them go laziness and jobless, wasting productive time in engaging in this disgusting practice. Government must put strong measures in place to at least curb this menace just as the LEAP programme and other initiatives have contribute to the reduction of the old-aged beggars on the streets and that of the physically challenged as well.

At least this is not the first time this issue has come to light, yet many efforts to clear the streets and to intersect these beggars have failed and the question remains unanswered: Is this issue of able beggars on the streets now an emerging profession due to high rate of unemployment or still a Public Nuisance? 

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