Saturday 13 September 2014

What to do if economic issues affect your relationship

by: totalfamilylife

The economy and the love two things seem to belong to different worlds. The first is pragmatic, the second ideal. However, in a relationship, these two elements are very close.
To what extent there should be interference with such issues? Is the economy is capable of varying the intensity of love?
There are two aspects of the couple who are the focus of power within the relationship, which are the love life and money. Traditionally, women took care of the family life and the man brought the money and managed.
Today things have changed. Balancing love, family and money has become the mantra of today's life as a couple.

Lots of money, lots of love
This equation is easy and can be termed as an ideal condition. If there are economic problems and there is love, every relationship, in principle, should work perfectly. With ample money in hand and love in hearts, nothing can distract the partners to enjoy outings, please each other with gifts, and share tastes without worry. The healthy economy, either jointly or each member of the relationship, it is believed to be a natural lubricant for the smooth functioning of the love life of a couple.

Big money, little love
There are times that a healthy domestic economic condition is not an aid to the relationship. It is true that money helps to be happy but it can never replace love. Love cannot be bought. You can pay to have a company but can never pay for love. Love is involuntary, unexpected and often unwelcome.

Little money, little love?
The economic crisis can be held responsible for this! This has wrecked the lives of many people, married or not, and put a number of challenges in the relationships of the couples. Economic hardship and money management can cause many serious conflicts, so it is a good idea to opt for money management at every stage of your life.

Speaking of money for some people is very uncomfortable. But it is much healthier to talk about it and put the cards on the table so that there is a clear line between the practical aspects of the issue being targeted.
The current economic downturn has left about 43% of couples all over the world often arguing about money. The major problem is the difficulty to acquire and pay for materials as well as livelihood assets. The problem within couples also begins with the imbalance of economic power prevailing between the couple.
If one of the two is unemployed, he/she may have the feeling that the other, who earns the money, has the power to decide on all issues related to household finances. It often results in ego clashes and resentment.
Many couples hide their purchases from their partners to avoid confrontation; they begin to lie about little things that undermine the trust and openness in a desirable relationship. The pressure for the lack of money gives rise to communication problems, issues arising in the family, heartbreaks and loneliness. The result, crisis in the love life of couple!

Little money, lots of love
“Money comes and goes.” That has always said, and it's true. Just as it is a fact that an economic crisis is a problem, you have to take into account the need to address the issue, not to worry.

That is, money is one of the taboo topics between the couples, but the only way out is to discuss things and make everything clear. Talk and discuss finances openly with your partner, once done, the tension disappears instantly no matter how severe the economic problem we have. It is always easier to confront, than feel resented.

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