Friday 18 December 2015


Pastor Abraham

What is favour?
1. To give special regard to
2. To treat with goodwill
3. To show exceptional kindness towards someone

The favor of God can be described as “tangible evidence that a person has the approval of the Lord.” Favour is giving a person preferential treatment. God loves everybody, but there are people who He responds to, quickly when they pray or in need.
In life you find some people usually get things easy, while others struggle and labour hard to get the same things. The difference between these two kind of people is favour. The ones who get things easily done without sweat, are operating in favour. Somehow these people have found the pathway to the house of favour, having obtained it and are operating in it.
Everyone needs favour to operate in the fullest . favour just makes people to like you and do business with you. God is the one that gives favour, when the favour of the Lord is upon a man’s life everything turns out to be good. Every misfortune turns into a fortune. Every misery turns into Ministry. Joseph practically demonstrated and operated in this kind of favour.
But, favour do not just come on its own accord, some things need to be done to attract the favour of God. God is not moved by our faces or situations but the dependence upon Him. Ps 102:13, Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come
The set time to favour you has come, don’t just sit by and watch other people operate in favour, do things to attract the favour of God and maintain it. Many have obtained the favour of the devil; it is deceptive and only last for a short while. Prov 10:22; The blessings of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he added no sorrow with it.

1) Joseph; Joseph was favoured so much that Jealousy set in. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers that hated him. But the favour of God turned his captivity into dominion. Joseph had favour with man and with God; he turned into a leader in Portiphar’s house and in Prison. Gen 39:21. It was favour that made him a Prime Minister in a land where he was supposed to be a slave.
2) Ruth; Ruth was a foreigner but had favour and married Boaz and became the grandmother of David and great grandmother of our Lord Jesus. It takes favour to be taken as a wife. Ruth 4:13.
3) Esther; Esther found favour with a foreign king and became the queen of the land. She was not wearing any beauty agent yet she won the beauty contest. God’s favour located her. Eshter 2:17
4) Mary; Mary was favoured and became the mother of Jesus on earth. Luke 1:30-31


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