Monday 16 February 2015


The ice was broken again at another monthly meeting held by the executives of GHANA PROGRESSIVE HOTEL ASSOCIATION (GPHA)which was alongside the sensitization of hoteliers and school children on the two key most worrying concerns on Ghanaian citizens and its environments.
This grand event took place at kings Royal Atlantic hotel in which health executives of the health sector in Ghana also as invitees and speakers were there to grace the occasion mediating two frivolous concerns i.e Ebola Alert!!! And Cholera Alert!!!

Speaking with Business and Labour Guide (B&LG), DR. John Eleaza-Deputy Director for public health in Greater Accra Region commended the organizers of the program and expressed his gratitude being called upon to educate the hoteliers as well as the school children on the said subjects, Ebola and Cholera. He added that he liked the enthusiasm from all by asking questions wanting to know more noting that as for the children who will serve as a link to other children on what should be done and when to do it to guard against this health concerns and also on the part of the hoteliers, to know what is and what role they have to play which should be extended to all hotels in Ghana so that all hotels will be well informed as long as Ebola and Cholera is concerned in order to guard against them.

He added by commending the effort of the hotelier and he said that thou challenging urged that harnessing such events would be appropriate with projector in order to enhance PowerPoint presentation since audio-visual is better than either using audio nor visual.

After the talk session and sensitization on Ebola and Cholera, GHANA PROGRESSIVE HOTEL ASSOCIATIONcontinued with the other part of the meeting concerning the several training sessions available to hoteliers for the betterment of the industry highlighting when and how to conduct the training. The chairman (COL WILSON ASIEDU RTD) of the association gave a closing remark appreciating every person that availed his or herself for the meeting.

Story by: Victor Sunday

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