Friday 20 November 2015


Ayamaowei Ebikiye, a Nigerian student of Sikkim Municipal University
Story by Mary Caroline Atangah
A landlady from the La municipality with the help of some land guards brutally attacks a Nigerian student over unlawful tenant- ejection causing amassive investigation by the La District Police head quarters.
According to the victim, AyamaoweiEbikiye, a Nigerian student of Sikkim Municipal University, Madam Sarah (landlady) informed them about the elapse of their rent as she only wanted to eject them from the house by sending land guards on them to chase them out of the house which resulted in serious fatal injury of the student.
Speaking to BLG news,AyamaoweiEbikiyesaid that they were informed by their landladythree months ago that their house rent has been elapsed of which they pleaded with her to give them some period of time to pack out as she has not given them the legally mandated three months period authorized by the Ghana Rent Control before complete ejection. “The land lady made us pay for the legally mandated three months before ejection which was even against the law,” he lamented. 
AyamaoweiEbikiye told BLG news that Madam Sarah reported them to the rent control as they were summoned  to appear before the law  on the 26th of November, 2015. “As we  awaits the date to come, on Saturday 31st of October at around 5:00am the landlady sent some boys to pack out our belongings  from the room whiles it was raining which gave us no option to pack it back to the room to prevent damages,” he revealed.
According to him, on 1st of November, 2015, around 8:30pm the landlady brought more boys to attack and fight them which resulted in the injuries and damage of properties with broken bottles of which he reported the incident to the Labadi police station.
Speaking with inspector Miriam, the officer in charge of the case from the La district police headquarters, the police is making effort to arrest the land lady.

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