Tuesday 28 June 2016


Story by Jasmine Oman. 

    The Ghana Water Company Limited has introduced a new billing and payment system. This is being piloted in the Tema Metropolis which includes Kpone, Ashaiman, Spintex, Baatsonaa, Sakumono, Kpong, Akuse and Tema   New Town. The new billing and payment system project will eventually be extended to cover the whole country upon successful implementation in the Tema Region.
      A statement signed by the head of  Public Relations and Communications, Stanley Martey, reads: “with effect from 1st June, 2016, GWCL meter readers will be capturing customer consumption data with a hand-held android device equipped with a software, which already has customers’ data comprising of the following; customer’s name, customer’s phone number, customer’s last captured data, customer’s geographical location and other relevant information. The system will calculate customers’ water consumption and automatically send them their corresponding bill via text message (sms) and or e-mail. Customers are, therefore, required to make available to the GWCL, two reliable cell phone numbers each, and receive their bills. Once customers receive their bills via text message and or e-mail, they are to make payment by purchasing a ‘Ghana Water’ payment scratch card from any GWCL collection or customer service point, authorized vendors and pay their water bills”. (ghanaweb.com).
Gargantuan and humongous bills which leaves many Ghanaians wondering as to what really goes on in the calculation of their water consumption is touted to soon end due to a technological maneuver championed by the all knowing Ghana Water Company Limited(GWCL) .  What is most surprising is the charade and apparent silence with which the company intends to roll out this system which we’re made to believe is still in the piloting stage. What is most important for most actors and players in the utility sector is accountability and regulation as its toothless PURC  continues to bootlick these utility companies at the disadvantage of the consumer.

    We are made to understand that this new system would take people’s personal details and information and a probable database set up. Are there any regulatory frameworks that govern the acquisition of personal data?, it’s worth mentioning that , not too long ago , the official government website was hacked into by some miscreants which created a micro fear and panic about the security of our cyberspace. If a whole government machinery with all state apparatus and apparatchiks could be tampered with , what of the GWCL, who can’t even spell the names of its customer’s right. It’s against this backdrop that, appropriate measures to robustly guard customer’s details and data must be instituted.  
Another hurdle that the GWCL needs to look at is the bit about job creation. Wherever technology sets in, the need for human power and efforts reduces which leads to retrenchment and loss of jobs. We need not look far for examples , companies like NOKIA AND BLACKBERRY together with multinational mining and telecom firms have all sacked workers upon the introduction of up-technology.  Is there a solid plan and package for workers whose hitherto employment spun around reading meters and delivering bills ?, whose duty would it be if there’s a software problem just like what we are experiencing with the ECG, to fix and avert such crises?. How does the GWCL propose to deal with the numerous wastages within the system from burst pipes to illegal connections and pilfering ?. Wouldn’t this new system legitimize wastages within the system as against enhancing productivity ?. Consider the tons of water running into our gutters against a billing system that captures what we aren’t even sure of. The GWCL must come out clearly to educate consumers and ensure fairness with this new system it seeks to introduce. This new system only adds to the chaos and a clear guideline would do a lot to save our pockets.

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