Friday 12 August 2016


Cross section of church members during the sacred programme

Story by Addotey Michael (BLG NEWS REPORTER)
At a mid-year consecration programme, Overcomers Worship Centre, Nungua embarked on a 30 days prayer and fasting festival to ensure the restoration of church members on the theme “Breaking of Curses”  at the church’s head office, Nungua.
The “breaking of curses” programme brought all the three (3) branches of the church together at a central point (church head office) for 30 days of solemn prayers and  which were offered for 2016 restorations and breakthrough.
According to Mr. Peter Danquah Kpakpo-Atsem, administrator and General Secretary of Overcomer Worship Centre, this was an annual programme on the church calendar for which it always comes up every June at the church premises to cleanse the congregation from any blemishes for the first half of the year. He further noted that the theme for this year’s programme was chosen to break self-imposed curses, curses from ancestors and curses from families as these curses torment Christians’ lives.  
Mr. Kpakpo-Atsem revealed that as part of the administrative set up of the church, a career guidance department has been established which seeks to support the job creation quest of the country. According to him, this department provides job opportunities for the church members and guides them in their career choices as Christianity is not only about praying but also working very hard to enhance God’s work in the various respective disciplines of life. “The church has professionals like accountants, engineers, teachers and entrepreneurs who occasionally speak to the youth on both entrepreneurship and job creation opportunities in the country”, he revealed.     
Speaking with BLG news, Mr. Ebenezer Yevuyibor, Senior Deacon of Overcomers Worship Centre and a professional accountant asserted that Christians have to try their possible best to stay away from sin as God directly answers the prayers of Christians without sin. He noted that a lot of testimony was given by the church members during the 30 days programme which was a remarkable emblem of the impact of the consecrational 30 days programme on members’ lives.   
Mr. Yevuyibor finally advised all Christians to always ensure that they are closer to God as a lot of things are happening in the world which signifies the end-time. He added that a lot of people are agitating about the country’s economy but if Christians put their trust in God and holds their belief strong, God will guide them through the tough moments. “Apart from our spiritual lives we should work as the bible admonishes that the hand that does not work should not eat, henceforth Christians should balance their prayers with work to have a fulfilled life”, he advised.  

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