Friday 28 October 2016




        Mr. Anis Haffer, educationist, trainer of teachers and leadership criticized the Ghanaian education system as full of theories that deprives students from gaining more practical experiences and using their hands to work during the 25th   Anniversary Lecture and CSR Foundation Launch of ndk Financial Services Ltd at Alisa Hotel, Accra.
            The program which was themed “The Politics of Educational Reforms in Ghana” hosted great dignitaries such as Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Vice Chancellor, University of Ghana and guest speaker for the program, Mr. Anis Haffar, Chairman of the program, Mr. Oko-Nikoi Dzani, founder and Managing Director of ndk financial services Ltd and host of the program, Honourable Oko- Vanderpuy, Minister of Youth and Sports with other CEOs from the banking and industrial sectors.
            According to Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, the favoritism in the admission process of the education system has been very challenging for the country as it has affected the quality of the education system in Ghana. He noted that, this favoritism is as a result of structural failures in the schools which countenance heads of institutions to act as regulators alongside their roles. He added that this creates conflict of interests in the educational institutions where the manager of the school acts as the same person checking legal compliances in the school.
            Prof. Aryeetey maintained that, the quality of the human resources from the educational institutions is not about the number of years spent in school but the nature of activities and curriculum that will help the country to achieve its goals in education. He revealed that school activities such as sports and debates help to firmly form the young ones for future responsibilities of which these has been neglected in the educational sector.
            Speaking with BLG news, Mr. Anis Haffar explained that, the reason why the country is facing lot of human resource challenges is as a result of the delivery method used in the educational systems which focuses more on class room lectures. He noted that this always produces incompetent human resources for the country with lack of practical experiences aside the theories being the core problem.  According to him, the educational reforms should be structured to focus on real work environment to enable students use their hands to work instead of doing a lot of readings.
            He added that, developing countries needs people who can use their hand to work not people who will sit in the class room to engage in “CHEW and POUR” activities as this will ensure that certificates given to people will be full of skills rather than theories. “The classroom lectures deploy in the Ghanaian educational institutions must be banned in order to produce quality human resources for the country”, he exclaimed. 

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