Friday 28 October 2016


Nii Kpobi Tettey-Tsuru I, La Mantse

The Ghana Institution of Surveyors, Land Surveying Division, an authoritative institution in Land management issue, held its annual seminar at Holiday Inn, to sensitize land surveyors on the use of geospatial policies in Ghana in August 2016, during which Nii Kpobi Tettey-Tsuru I, La Mantse, disclosed the solution for the Akosombo Dam as surveyors being country’s saviors.
The seminar which was dubbed “Geospatial Policy of Ghana: A strategic tool for National Development” was attended by surveyors from all over the world such as Finland, UK, China and Nigeria and the LA mantse, Nii Kpobi Tettey-Tsuru I, a special guest of the program.
According to Nii Kpobi Tettey-Tsuru I, La Mantse, the Institution of Surveyors is the oldest and well organized association of professionals in the country and the most noble of all professions. He further noted that, surveyors should be given the opportunity to champion the socio-economic developments in Ghana as it is the only way to bring Ghana on the world front.
He explained that, Sir Gordon Guggisberg, a former governor during the colonial times who was a surveyor, took key interest in the development of the country of which Ghana is now enjoying the fruit if his labour. Nii Kpobi Tettey-Tsuru I, beseeched all surveyors to concern themselves with National development instead of self-interest projects. “The only people who can solve the Akosombo dam are surveyors not politicians as Ghana will be developed if surveyors are elected as presidents”, he revealed.
Hon. Nii Osah Mills, Minister of Lands and Resources, maintained that there has been some interventions from the government to support the geo-information database creation in Ghana such as the digital orthophoto maps and digital line maps covering an area of 25,000 square kilometers at a scale of 1:2500, of which 12,000 square kilometers covers the southern sector of the country including the whole of Greater Accra Region and 13,000 square kilometers covering the whole of the Northern sector.
He further added that, the data could be used for development planning and also as a major input into all infrastructural development as he revealed that the data had been modeled topologically and has a well-designed data tool to support the development of Geographic System for all applications. “The National Navigation System can support Ambulance Services for the Health Sector, fire prevention activities and location based data in which could offer support to the house to house based population census in particular,” he posited.
Speaking with BLG news, Mr. Daniel Odotei Brown, a surveyor and chairman of the planning committee for the programme, revealed that, the prices of the instruments needed for the surveying job is very high, henceforth, the Minister and the government in power should address the high pricing problems in order to enable the surveying job to be pursued by all.
According to Mr. Daniel Odotei Brown, most people go to quack surveyors because of the high process charged by professionals in the country. He maintained that, if the cost of securing instruments for the job reduces, it will reflect on the prices charged by the professionals which will reduce the service charges.
Finally, he advised Ghanaians to make background checks when hiring a surveyor in order to ensure the engagement of professional services. “Ghana institution of surveyors always publish a list of professional surveyors in the newspaper and the institution’s website, henceforth the public should take advantage of it to get a professional surveyor when they need the services of surveyors”, he revealed.

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