Friday 28 October 2016


         The All People Congress (APC), led by its flag bearer, Hassan Ayarigah, during its 2016 manifesto launch, affirmed its promises to Ghanaians, by declaring intentions to solve the unemployment situations in the country through the provisions of huge monthly packages of unemployment benefits to support the unemployed in the country.
            According to Hassan Ayariga, Flag bearer and founder of APC, previous political regimes have failed to solve the unemployment situations in the country, but rather increased the unemployment ratio through indecisive policies and self – interest agenda. He noted that, all the previous and current elected leaders have shown disheartening behaviours to the people who elected them by exhibiting inhuman policy executions.
            As part of the APC 2016 campaign promises, he explained that, the APC will be providing education scholarship packages to all disabled in the country in order to provide equal job opportunities. Aside the education scholarship packages, Mr. Ayariga revealed that, there is going to be establishment of special jobs for all disabled, which will enable them to apply the skills acquired from the education scholarship and also make a living.   
            Stated from the APC manifesto, the social security contribution system of Ghana will be amended to focus on health, sickness, unemployment and retirement benefits which will be a new system ever in the history of Ghana. This is to ensure quality standard of living for workers after retirement. Mr. Ayariga stated that, most politicians can go out of politics at the age 70yrs when they have quality retirement package.
            On the topic of solving unemployment challenges, it was stated from the manifesto that, there is going to be four (4) categories of benefits to support the unemployed, which are unemployment benefits, child allowances, maternity allowances and food benefits. According the APC, an unemployment benefits of 67% net wage monthly allowance will be given to unemployed with children and 60% net wage monthly allowance to unemployed without children through the labour office. For the child allowance package, they explained that, each child from birth to working age, will receive not less than a monthly allowance of 100cedis to support their life style.      
            As a way of assisting pregnant women, they stated that, a monthly maternity allowance will be provided to support all pregnant women till successful delivery. The food benefit as stated in the manifesto was explained to provide food security through free availability and accessibility of food to all unemployed in the country. They added that, the policy to support “Kayaye” will train all kayaye for skills development, provide hostel facilities to accommodate all “Kayaye” alongside with an in-house daycare centres to educate their children. Aside that, a free health care facility will also be provided to all “Kayaye” to reduce the mortality rate in the country.
Finally, Hassan Ayariga, advised all Ghanaians to make the right decision on the election day by voting for APC as the NPP and NDC knows the problem of the country but APC knows the solution of the country.

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