Friday 28 October 2016


Mr. Gbolahan Akinola, Head of KPCC (right), with Ps. Confidence Agblobi Tetteh, CEO of GH Media & Media Consult (left), responding to questions from participant

 Many young and aspiring entrepreneurs congregated at La, as Kingdom Purpose Christian Centre (KPCC) held a business start-up summit to raise and inspire young entrepreneurs through pragmatic business – oriented teachings and discussions at the church premises, La, Accra.
         The summit themed “Starting, Developing & Growing” seeks to empower entrepreneurs, business starters, churches, social services and all forms of profit oriented projects for a successful business launch and sustainability. The summit hosted great speakers such as Ps. Gbolahan Akinola, founding Pastor of KPCC, Ps. Confidence Agblobi Tetteh, CEO of Best Media Consult and entrepreneur lecturer, and Mr. Wilson Senya, entrepreneur who imparted participants with their priceless industrial experiences in entrepreneurship.
         According to Ps. Gbolahan Akinola, speaker and founding Pastor of KPCC, church is not only for praying and receiving spiritual blesses but also to impact, transform and influence the family, community and market place for God’s kingdom which stands to be the purpose of KPCC. He noted that, the church operates in seven spheres which are education, entertainment, science and technology, social and spiritual, governance and politics, media and business and economics to raise leaders for God’s kingdom.
Cross section of participants in an engrossed attention during the seminar
         He revealed that, many people lack idea generating skills which is the prerequisite for every business start-up. As part of the solution for idea generating problems, he explained that, business ideas can be generated from problems in the environment and personal encounters as no one can start a business without identifying a specific problem to be solved. Ps. Akinola further exposed that, the church will be organizing other programs such as marketplace dominance and idea revolution which will be chronicled in the subsequent months of the year for entrepreneurs in God’s kingdom. Finally he urged all churches to have clear convictions but not just spiritual gifts and operates beyond boundaries in order to solve the needs of the society as churches are lights to the world not only for Christians.
         Addressing some of the partnership problems in entrepreneurship, Ps. Confidence Agblobi Tetteh, CEO of Best Media Consult and entrepreneur lecturer, explained that, there should be proper documentations of agreement in every business to bind parties involved, as these documents can serve as evidence when misunderstandings arises. According to him, every entrepreneur should always start from sole proprietorship in order to gain firm foot in the business before converting it into a limited liability as this will help minimize the legal and taxations demands of the business. He maintained that, there should be proper balance of work and family as family members are always the people who cushions entrepreneurs in times of sicknesses but not the money. He finally advised all aspiring entrepreneurs to always speak to the right people about their business ideas and always treat their team members as precious assets.
         Speaking with Akubo Samson, participant and CEO of SAMROC Entertainment, he posited that, the summit has transformed and imparted new business knowledge into his life. As part of the knowledge he acquired during the summit, he explained that, developing business personally for more time before bringing people in it is one of the lessons he is not going to part away with. “All aspiring entrepreneurs should take advantage of such summits as it broadens the mind for bigger opportunities”, he advised.
         Finally, Ms. Doris Akorfa Akabuah, participant and CEO of Zeallers Tastybites Ltd, revealed that one of the challenges start-up faces is financial challenge, as going for loans from the financial institutions is fatal for start-up business due to the uncertainty of the business. She advised all aspiring entrepreneurs to take the chance outside their comfort zone to give their life a chance to test their will power to succeed.  

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