Friday 12 August 2016


By Jasmine Omang

  • Musicians influencing citizens to choose a particular politician.
  • Musicians endorsing politicians whether or not they will help develop the nation.
  • Musicians do not care about the development of the nation.

Musicians form an integral part of the society as well as our individual lives because of their music; whether it be gospel, secular , inspirational or  sensual.  Music has the ability to pierce souls, hearts and minds; it has the ability to control therefore any musician (music person) has the power to influence someone or move someone in a certain direction. More the reason why musicians just as other celebrities and influential people, have placed on them social responsibilities by either impacting their societies or giving back. Unfortunately, just like some celebrities and influential people do, musicians take the power their music possess for granted and abuse it. 

In the year 2008, the U.S. for the first time in history elected an African-American president. For weeks, during the process, before the election day, very influential and popular personalities from the African-American community in the States and other countries, showed publicly their support for Barack Obama, a presidential candidate at that time. Personalities which included Oprah Winfrey and some other influential musicians like Beyonce, endorsed Barack Obama publicly. Obviously, it seemed that these endorsements were mostly because the man was black. Although not professional on the part of these celebrities, it was understandable because it was about their race and would bring about some changes which would be good for their race. Whether Obama became a good president or not, it did not cause much issues because at the end of it all, it gave the African-American society some sort of leverage. However,  in Ghana, the situation is totally different. 

In Ghana, reasons why musicians endorse particular politicians range from getting paid by the politicians, tribalism, mere personal preference to getting favours from those politicians. It is a wonder if these musicians worry about the development of the nation at all. It is again a wonder if these musicians realize that they are supposed to make positive impact and not just any kind of impact. Are these endorsements made considering which politician will really help develop the nation and the lives of the citizens? Do they realize how they abuse the power they have through their music by using the music to influence people into voting for politicians who do not mean any of the words they say? Is it part of their social responsibility? Do these musicians even care about the development of the nation, if they endorse just any politician without considering whether or not they have vision and foresight for the nation? 

Beloved musicians, please sit up, and put a stop to the increasing deceit of politicians. Leave them to use their own ways to persuade citizens instead of helping them to persuade using music; just for the love of money. Your ability to make music is worth more than what these politicians pay you.

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