Wednesday 19 March 2014

No SSNIT for Any Staff- Marina Mall

The head of Marina mall has allegedly refused to honor its labour law requirement; to pay Social Securities for its staff for past 5years of since it began operations in Ghana.
Marina mall is one of the latest prestigious shopping malls in the country as well as savior to the unemployment crisis in the country. However, it has reluctant failed to satisfy the labour law demands as far as its staff SSNIT and welfare are concerned.
Information reaching us proved that the shopping mall has failed to pay worker SSNIT, denies them of leave and exploit the workers without fair period of break hours all in the name of shifting system.
Speaking to some of their staffs, they revealed to B&LG that, they have been complaining to them to make theirSSNIT payments but the only response receive from them was that they are working on it.
The Ghana labour act, 2003 sub part III 40(a) states that“where the normal hours of work are continuous, a worker is entitled to at least thirty minutes (30mins)break in the course of the work”
Regarding this issue, last month B&LG was informed that, SSNIT officials came to the mall but did not get anyone to speak up to confirm the labour injustice and irregularities going on in the mall due to the fear that their appointment will be terminated should they say anything to the SSNIT officials.
The question is, is it fair for foreign companies to take advantage of the unemployment crisis in this country to maltreat the youths?

Most foreign companies operating in Ghana has been taking advantage of the economic situation of the nation to exploit the youth and the nation at large to their profitability due to the youth desperation for job. We are therefore calling on the National Labour Commission and related authorities to ensure labour justice in this country to save the innocent workersat the marina mall.
Story By: Addotey Michael

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