Thursday 16 July 2015



Krafty catering school graduated about 30 female caterers on the 1st of July, 2015 at the National Theatre into the job market, these graduates were trained in floral making, cakes, pastries and balloons decoration.
   The reporters from B.L.G were there with them to celebrate the ceremony as the graduates display the handy works on the floral, cakes and balloons decorations together with the entire family of Krafty catering school, as they celebrated their 6 years of establishment.
   Speaking to Mrs. Krafty, the CEO of the school, she said ‘The school has come a long way to this level and has faced a lot of challenges as we graduate our 6th badge of students from the school. It has not been easy training all these graduates to be what they intend to become tomorrow but by the Grace of the Almighty God they have made it’. She said further that even though they had graduated, it didn’t mean they were perfect in all aspect; they would be more prefect if they go out there and practice what they had been thought. It is not only Ghanaians that were trained, they had had some from Nigerians and that shows how serious they have been till now that they have finished with the 6th badge. Madam Krafty ended her words by saying that in every class there are grades, some are best students, and others are average, definitely there will be low or weak students but all that she has to say is for them to practice everything they have been thought in the school.
   Miss Florence, a student from Nigeria who already has completed Zenith University College, also said to BLG News that she was grateful to be a part of the graduation ceremony of Krafty School. She also said she had been in several decoration schools but recommended Krafty for everyone that is ready to attend a decoration school. She added ‘Krafty is the best place to be, life is not all about education or books sometimes we may be in need of the two or only one of them’.
   Florence said Krafty is a family with a head mother who is also playing the role of a father corrects them on the mistakes the students do in class and reacts to everybody like their own, there is no circulation and the heads are very sincere. Team work is very important to them and will encourage everybody to come and join them at Krafty, because it’s the best and wonderful place to be for the future tomorrow and also urge the public to provide them with full support enable them function the society as well as their family members. 



  1. Good job. God bless Krafty.

  2. Please i want to ask a question here. What is the grade limit you use to admit students? Being it jhs or shs.thank you

  3. Hi Freda,
    God bless you too and shape your career ambitions

  4. Hi Freda, Krafty is a vocational school that trains students in both catering and decoration skills. You don't need a high grade to enroll at Krafty as far as you have completed either your basic or high school education. Everybody can enroll at Krafty. Thank You.
