Friday 24 June 2016


Story by Jasmine Oman 
The Testimony of God Chapel International, a Home of Truth situated at Teshie, LEKMA, as part of its church programmes held a notable Sunday service to transform the lives of Christians and to welcome new converts in Christ.
            The church which was founded by Prophet Kyeremateng Baffour, a man of God who only obeys God’s commands and instructions has established itself as a testimony-focus church that encourages Christians to always testify the good deeds of God in their lives.  
Speaking with Prophet Kyeremateng Baffour, this Sunday service programme was a memorable one as a newly born baby was named and dedicated to God. The “Jealousy and Envy” themed - Sunday service witnessed the support and word ministration of some invited guests such as Pastor Amartey.
            According to Prophet Kyeremateng Baffour, most Christians find it difficult to deal with people who jealous and envy them thereby focusing their prayers in the wrong directions. He added that Christians should learn how to identify people who envy them in order to avoid them such people in life.  
            Mrs. Dorothy Achiaa Kyeremateng Baffour, wife of Prophet Kyeremateng Baffour and one of the women’s leaders noted that women have a huge role to play in God’s house as they are to support the growth of the church. “All women should be pillars for God’s kingdom by winning more souls for Christ through selfless evangelism, she advised”.  
            Finally Prophet Kyeremateng Baffour encouraged all Christians to stand strong in periods of tribulations as they tests Christian’s faith in life. He further noted that, the only way we can shame the enemies is by testifying about the things God is doing in our lives. “The religious community can creates job opportunities by building schools, hospitals and establishing administrative systems in churches that offer employment to curb the unemployment rate in Ghana”,  as this builds a peaceful community”, he revealed.

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