Friday 28 October 2016

POSSIBILITIES …With Apostle Kwame Asare

Apostle Kwame Otchere Asare

Acts 20:35,  “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak, and remember  the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘it’s more blessing to give than to receive”
Define GIVER: “One who gives a donor; a grantor: one who impacts or distributes”.
There are two people here; one who receives and the other also gives.
The RECEIVER, who receives consumes, so the receiver is the consumer, and whatever one consumes becomes waste. So receiver = consumer = waster. The receiver is always happy and enjoys it.
The GIVER who gives sows and the one who sows receives/reaps more.
The (giver) saves lives, and also impacts more and changes many lives and becomes great.
What should one give?
Any good thing can be given out. Examples are; Time, attention, money, service, knowledge, sharing of life’s testimony to encourage others.
Whom should one give to?
1.      Give to your nation.
2.      Give to your region, community
3.      Give to your church and family.
4.      Give to the needy, poor.

To Your Nation: Serve your nation, work hard and do the right thing, invest in your nation and help establish it.
Spend Time to educate others, motivate them, let them know that there is HOPE for the living.

Share Your Money with the needy, give to support your family, and the work of God.
If you give or spend with friends as making show off, you will receive rewards from friends but if you have pity on the poor/ needy or support the work of God, then you lend it to God and in times of need, God will give it back to you with interest because you lend it to HIM.
Proverbs 19:17 “He who has pity on the poor, lends it to the LORD, and HE will pay back what he has given”.
Pay attention to people’s situations, show interest in helping solve situations, show concern.
KNOWLEDGE: Impact Knowledge into others, try and share what you know with others. But you must first understand that, what you know is from God, and therefore make yourself available for others to gain knowledge from you, that which they do not have and know, and God will give you more.
TESTIMONY: Sharing your life experience as a testimony is another way to motivate and strengthen others to do something great.
I am writing this short message to encourage us all that each and every one has something different to offer, so the little you can do, just do it well, believe in yourself that you too can do something to support someone somewhere, one word from your mouth also can transform someone’s  life. I have done mine.
The receiver is a consumer, and the consumer is the waster.
But the giver is the sower and therefore reaps. The sower impacts more into many lives.
So, it does not matter the small or the little that comes to your hands, try and don’t be a consumer (waster) but you can also sow into someone else. If you want to get or receive more, then give onto others.
Matthew 7:12, “what so ever you want people to do to you, do it onto others; this is the Law and Prophesy”.
Try and bring out the best in you and above all, know that God has put something special and unique in your hands that you must exercise and put them to work now, helps others and God will reward you.

To end my message, I want every one reading this to understand that, the good thing that someone has done before was not made by magic, you too can do something. Do not look down upon yourself, but be strong and be courageous for Your testimonies are at hand, just put your trust in the LORD and say to yourself that “me too can make it by the grace of GOD” AMEN.
Prayer: May the LORD God Almighty be with you, May HE help you to stand firm and overcome every challenges and move on in life, May GOD open your understanding and help you dream big, plan well and to achieve it. AMEN.
 For counseling or spiritual help, please contact the man of God on 0268435449.

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